Healing Hands



Hello, I go by the name of 'Healing Hands' on the Internet, but you can call me 'Barb'.  I am a certified Orthotechnician massage practicioner working in the field of healing massage as a therapy for stress and pain".  I am also a Reiki Master, Aromatherapist, and a specialist in healing with crystals and the Bach Flower Remedies.

I am a happily-married wife of 32 years, and the mother of two grown sons.  My husband is also in the healing field, as a certified Homeopathic practitioner, so we make a good team!  I live in the beautiful countryside outside of Ottawa, Canada, where I also see my clients.

On these pages I will tell you something about myself and how I got into this profession that I love so much.  I will also describe a bit more about the techniques I use in assisting people to become well. 

Please contact me for more information, or for an appointment.


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Midi 'Butterfly Fairies' by Geoff