Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Remedies are a comparatively new science. Dr. Edward Bach
developed this technique for healing in the mid 1900's. He was a
medical doctor, bacteriologist, and a Homeopath who had his practice at
University College Hospital in England.
started noticing in his practice, that the people who were coming to him
for treatment for diseases had also confided to him earlier--in some cases
up to a year earlier--about some emotional upsets and disturbances in
their lives: death of a loved one, marital split, run of bad luck,
and so on. He began keeping a journal as to when he first met a
person who just needed to talk about emotional problems, and then again
when they came back afflicted by some disease or illness.
would write down all the phrases used by his patients to describe how they
experienced--in detail--the emotional problem. He started to notice
a pattern or correlation between a certain type of emotional upset
bringing about a certain illness. He very quickly discovered what
many medical doctors are re-discovering today: that the emotions
affect the physical health of the body. The emotional imbalance is,
so to say, a precursor of any physical ailment.
set out on a quest in which he spent 6 years (1930-36) roaming about in
the jungles and ravines all over the world, searching for herbs which
could provide simple treatment of man's ailments. He ultimately
succeeded in isolating 38 flowers which had intimate connections with the
various mental symptoms or states of mind of his patients. Remedies
prepared from these flowers are called Bach Flower Remedies, and each
remedy is suitable for a particular mental state of the person.
real cause of the diseased body is when an imbalance occurs in the
harmonious working of the trio--the mind, the spirit, the body.
Physical symptoms are only an external show of the mental or emotional
disturbance within. The ultimate purpose of the Bach remedies is to
remove from the mind of the patient any obstruction which prevents his
smooth flow of life--the harmonious working of the body by the spirit
acting through the mind.
times things happen to us in our lives that we have no control over, but
we can control our perception of them. Most times they happen on the
three levels of body, emotions, and spirit. We cannot change what
happened at the physical level for that is the past--history--facts.
But we can change how it affects us at the spirit and emotional levels.
Assign to the event meaning, a purpose, a challenge that you had to
experience and overcome, perhaps to be able to help others who will go
through the same challenge. If you can change your perception you
can change how it affects you emotionally and ultimately, physically.
Flower Remedies enable us to do this and it does not matter how many years
ago the incident--or incidents--happened. Correct the emotional
disharmony as soon as you find it and you can forestall the physical
disturbance before it has time to manifest as illness. Sometimes
when illness has already taken hold it can even be reversed.
Whatever your circumstances, these remedies will help you do what you have
to do to make life less stressful, more livable and joyous.
good remedy to have in your first aid kit would be Rescue Remedy which is
a combination of 5 remedies. It is the remedy to take in the case of
an accident, emotional shock, or trauma. Each of the 5 remedies that
constitute Rescue cover an element of the mental state of the person who
is involved in an emergency situation. These elements and their
remedies are:
SHOCK--Mental or physical--and the after-effects of shock.
Remedy for this: Star of Bethlehem. It soothes, calms the
nervous system.
TERROR, PANIC--When there appears to be no hope, overwhelming, unable to
stay calm, unable to think constructively in order to redeem the
Remedy for this: Rock Rose. It provides mental strength.
UNCONSCIOUSNESS--Complete or partial, fainting, coma, giddiness.
Remedy for this: Clematis. It takes care of all states of mind
which indicate a temporary loss of interest in the present.
UNBEARABLE PAIN--In body or mind, when there is danger of the mind losing
control over the actions of the body, as in uncontrollable anger,
hysteria, suicidal thoughts, loss of control of one's senses.
Remedy for this: Cherry Plum. It prevents mind losing control
over actions. Does not let impulse get the better of reason..
EXTREME ANXIETY--Extreme mental tension, anxiety, and impatience caused by
the situation in which the sufferer feels helpless.
Remedy for this: Impatiens. It provides the necessary patience
to wait and watch the process of the rescue effort as it usually happen as
fast as humanly possible.
is taken a drop or two under the tongue every 15 minutes in emergency
situations, and usually gives aid for all the above conditions.
Midi 'butterfly Fairies' by Geoff