Essential Oils



Essential oils are the highly volatile essences of plants extracted from the blossoms, leaves, twigs, fruit, bark, roots, or resins.  They are not technically 'oils' at all since they are not fatty by nature, and they evaporate quickly which true oils do not do.

Some may say that essential oils are the heart, soul, and spirit of the plant.  Essential oils are held in pockets between the cells of approximately 20% of all plants.  They are released by the plant in response to stressful situations, i.e. drought, to attract bees and birds for pollination, and to ward off pests.  They act as the plant's immune system and are the essences that a plant uses to protect and heal itself.

For human use, these concentrated extracts are harvested from the plant by a number of different methods: distillation, maceration, pressing, extraction, and enfleurage.

Current scientific research has confirmed the beneficial effects of essential oils.  These oils are 75-100 times more concentrated than dry herbs.  Each drop of essential oil contains natural hormones, vitamins, antibiotics, antiseptics, as well as trace elements not found in medical preparations and synthesized oils. 

Various oils have been found to be antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-neuralgic, anti-venomous, anti-depressant, sedative, and much more.  Plus they are all natural and smell divine!

It is speculated that early man began his use of aromatics after noting that when twigs of certain bushes or trees were burned, the smoke had a specific effect:  people became more animated or more sedated or felt better if they had been ill.  some also noted that they were even more likely to have vivid dreams or visions of a mystical nature.  It is historically recorded that the use of special smokes have been used in all primitive religions and also as one of the earliest forms of medicine. 

We have come a long way since the early history of Man in technical advancement, but there is no synthetic chemical formulation that can duplicate these ancient oils.  Synthetic drugs are created for specific usages, and can treat only one level.  One essential oil however may work on a variety of levels at the same time.  The mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of a person can be addressed simultaneously. 

Oils do not remain long in the body, taking from 3 to 14 hours to be excreted in manners dependent upon the oil used.  This lessens the potential for toxicity.  Furthermore, the natural chemicals that are found in aromatic plants are derived from the same naturally occurring chemicals that form the building blocks of our own bodies.

For this reason, we can be sure that essential oils are non-intrusive to the human species since we share the same natural chemicals.  Not so with synthetic preparations.

We are living in a time of history when more time and money are spent on research into more synthetic drugs to deal with the symptoms of disease.  The world of plants has much to offer us.  It offers a chance to reclaim and then to maintain a state of balance in our lives: a state of health.  We have the power within ourselves to use the plant world for our own healing and also the healing of our planet Earth.




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Midi  'Butterfly Fairies' by Geoff